Solar Foods är verksamt inom livsmedelsindustrin. Bolaget producerar protein med hjälp av koldioxid och elektricitet. Bolagets första kommersialiserade produkt, Solein, ämnas ta global proteinproduktion från det traditionella jordbrukets begränsningar och öka tillgängligheten. Solar Foods grundades år 2017 och har sitt huvudkontor i. Vantaa, Finland.
The Solar Foods Capital Markets Day provided a concrete insight into Solein's commercialization process, the upcoming 02 factory investment and the company's financial targets. The content of the Capital Markets Day focused on Solar Foods' role as a manufacturer of Solein, which is a capital-intensive route to scaling the business.
In its CMD, Solar Foods presented its strategic priorities, Solein’s commercialization process, technology projects and its financial targets for 2027-2030 and 2031-2035.
Solar Foods invites investors, analysts and media representatives to its Capital Markets Day on Tuesday, 10 December 2024, starting at 4:00 p.m. EET. The event is designed to provide investors with an in-depth view of Solar Foods' strategic direction.
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In its 2025-2030 strategy period, Solar Foods will focus in particular on the Health & Performance Nutrition segment in the US, where its spearhead product, Solein, was approved during the fall.
The company achieved self-affirmed GRAS (Generally recognized as safe) status for Solein in the US in September 2024. Since then, Solar Foods has registered its Factory 01 production facility in Vantaa, Finland, with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and completed other requirements to commercialize Solein in the United States.
The H1 figures for Solar Foods were already largely known, but an insignificant change in the timing of earnings resulted in a clear difference compared to the company's previously communicated earnings estimate. The most important news was the Capital Markets Day on December 10, where we will seek visibility on major strategic directions.
Despite its early stage of development, Solar Foods is a leading global player in a rapidly growing and evolving industry. The company's spearhead product, Solein, is a nutrient-rich single cell protein whose commercialization is at the heart of the company's strategy for the coming years. We have initiated coverage of the company and our analyst Thomas Westerholm tells more about the company in this interview.
Solar Foods will publish its H1 report on Thursday at 9:00 am EEST. In its listing prospectus, the company provided an estimate of H1 revenue and net income, so the report should come as no surprise in terms of numbers.
Despite its early stage of development, the company is a leading global player in a rapidly growing and evolving industry. The key risk to the stock is the capital required to scale up production, which we believe will be the dividing line between successful cellular agriculture companies and others. If cellular agriculture delivers, we expect the winners of the industry to be rewarded with significant first-mover advantages and an attractive long-term investment horizon.