Solwers is investigating moving to the main list of Nasdaq Helsinki
Translation: Original comment published in Finnish on 4/15/2024 at 7:00 am EEST.
With a possible transfer to the main list, the company aims to improve its company awareness and, among other things, its liquidity. We expect the transfer to the main list to be a relatively straightforward process for Solwers and to be completed within the current year.
Transfer to the main list likely to happen this year
Solwers announced on Friday that its board of directors has decided to investigate the possible transfer of the company’s shares from the First North list to the main list of Nasdaq Helsinki. According to the company, the transfer could take place this year at the earliest. With the possible transfer, the company aims to increase the company awareness among the clients, employees, partners, and investors. In addition, the goal is to improve the liquidity of Solwers’ shares and broaden the owner base.
Solwers already operates under IFRS accounting, which is a prerequisite for the main list, and against this background we see the transition to the main list as a relatively straightforward process. In our view, the move to the main list will support the objectives of the project and may also improve the company's ability to raise capital to implement inorganic growth in line with its strategy. On the other hand, Solwers' current cash reserves are substantial and we do not see any need for additional capital in the short term.
Solwers är ett konsultbolag inriktade mot den industriella sektorn. Bolaget är specialiserat inom digitala lösningar som berör planerings- och projektledningstjänster. Exempel på bolagets tjänster inkluderar arkitektur, teknisk konsultation, miljöövervakning, projektledning, cirkulär ekonomi samt digitala lösningar. Kunderna finns inom ett flertal branscher, huvudsakligen bland små- och medelstora företagskunder. Verksamhet återfinns runtom den globala marknaden, med störst närvaro inom Norden.
Read more on company pageKey Estimate Figures2024-03-11
2023 | 24e | 25e | |
Omsättning | 66,0 | 77,1 | 79,4 |
tillväxt-% | 5,1 % | 16,8 % | 3,0 % |
EBIT (adj.) | 4,8 | 4,9 | 5,3 |
EBIT-% | 7,3 % | 6,3 % | 6,6 % |
EPS (adj.) | 0,32 | 0,29 | 0,32 |
Utdelning | 0,06 | 0,08 | 0,08 |
Direktavkastning | 1,3 % | 3,0 % | 3,2 % |
P/E (just.) | 15,14 | 8,69 | 7,90 |
EV/EBITDA | 8,21 | 5,33 | 4,70 |