Pioneering the future of skin diagnostics
On the back of its innovative skin cancer detection device, Nevisense, SciBase has experienced significant revenue growth in recent years. With the company currently expanding into the US market, we find the potential for even higher revenue growth credible. However, the company has yet to turn a profit and has been, and likely continues to be, reliant on equity offerings to fund its operations. In addition, visibility into the complex US healthcare industry is poor, which makes predicting the timing of cash flow positivity an uncertain prospect. Therefore, while we have a strong positive outlook for the Nevisense device and anticipate high revenue growth, the above factors lead us to consider the share appropriately priced in the near term
Scibase Holding
SciBase Holding är verksamt inom medicinteknik. Koncernen är specialiserad inom hantering av cancerdiagnostik, främst inriktat mot behandling och upptäckandet av diverse melanom. Bolaget har utvecklat en elektrisk handhållen prob som analyserar mätsignalen för att upptäcka specifika förändringar i kroppens hudvävnad. Huvudkontoret ligger i Stockholm.
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