Hydract: One-pager
Hydract is a Danish GreenTech company that provides a patented water hydraulic process valve for the process industry. The solution has been developed since 2008, and DKK +60 million has been invested. With Hydract’s technology, the electrical power consumption can be reduced significantly, and the customer also has water savings compared to traditional solutions. Carlsberg has implemented the technology since 2016 at its brewery in Fredericia, Denmark.
With Hydract’s water hydraulic valves, electrical power can be reduced by more than 90%, and customers achieve large water saving as less cleaning water is used compared to traditional solutions with compressed air. Another key advantage is that customers gain competitive advantages because liquids can be mixed directly with high precision. Additionally, Hydract’s water hydraulic valves are fully programmable and can be controlled with digital precision.
Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment from Hydract for a Digital IR/Corporate Visibility subscription agreement. /Kasper Lihn 14:30 05/09/2022
Hydract är verksamt inom tillverkningsindustrin. Bolaget arbetar med utveckling av hydralventiler för användning i bryggerier, mejerier och andra dryckestillverkare. Utöver huvudverksamheten erbjuds eftermarknadsservice, support och underhåll. Kunderna återfinns inom branscher med anknytning till processindustri. Verksamhet innehas på skandinavisk nivå, med störst närvaro inom den danska hemmamarknaden. Hydract har sitt huvudkontor i Holstebro.
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