Bawat: One-pager
Today, we have released an updated version of our investment case one-pager on Bawat following yesterday's year-end results for 2022.
Bawat is a GreenTech company founded in 2011 that has developed a simple and sustainable method for treating ballast water from ships using pasteurizing by reuse of the ships’ heat. Bawat solves the problem of ballast water, which is essential for modern shipping operations as it poses ecological, economic, and health problems due to the multitude of marine species and pathogens transferred between ecosystems around the world when ballast water is dumped from ships.
The investment case one-pager provides insights into key investment reasons and risks as well as valuation perspectives based on selected Nordic GreenTech companies.
Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment from Bawat for a Digital IR/Corporate Visibility subscription agreement. /Kasper Lihn 17:10, 22 February 2023 (updated 14:00, 24 February 2023).
Bawat Water Technologies
Bawat Water Technologies är verksamt inom sjö- och industrisektorn. Bolaget tillhandahåller värmebaserade BWMS-system som används för ballastvattenbehandling. Systemet lämpar sig för fartygslösningar ombord och för containeranläggningar. Idag innehar bolaget verksamhet på global nivå med störst närvaro inom Norden och Europa. Bawat Water Technologies grundades 2011 och har sitt huvudkontor i Stockholm.
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