Swedish Match: Interim Report January - September 2022
Highlights for the third quarter
- Continued momentum for the US smokefree business and the strong USD drove sharp increases in Group sales and earnings. Other businesses of the Group faced tough comparisons and some challenging market conditions.
- Group sales increased by 21 percent to 5,782 MSEK (4,778). In local currencies, Group sales increased by 5 percent for the third quarter.
- Group operating profit increased to 2,400 MSEK (2,075).
- Operating profit from product segments increased by 15 percent to 2,412 MSEK (2,099). In local currencies, operating profit from product segments[1)] declined by 1 percent for the third quarter.
- In local currencies, operating profit grew by 12 percent for the Smokefree product segment. For the Cigars product segment, operating profit declined, impacted by lower volumes. The Lights product segment faced particularly tough conditions and reported a steep decline in operating profit.
- Profit after tax increased to 1,778 MSEK (1,540).
- Earnings per share increased by 18 percent to 1.17 SEK (0.99).
1) Excludes Other operations and larger one-time items.
For the full report: www.swedishmatch.com/Investors/Financial-reports/Interim-reports/
Swedish Match telephone conference
A telephone conference will be held today, Thursday, October 28 at 2:00 p.m. (CET), (1:00 p.m. UK time). At this time we will review and comment on the results. Participants will include Lars Dahlgren, Anders Larsson, and Johan Levén.
Listen to the telephone conference: www.swedishmatch.com/Investors/Presentations/Webcasts-and-audiocasts/
Telephone conference presentation: www.swedishmatch.com/Investors/Presentations/