Report from the Annual General Meeting of Meltron AB (publ) on 30 September 2022
At the annual general meeting (the "AGM") of Meltron AB (publ), 556988-9834, (the "Company"), on 30 September 2022 the AGM adopted, inter alia, the following resolutions. For more detailed information regarding the contents of the resolutions, please refer to the notice to the AGM and the complete proposals for resolution, which have previously been published and are available on the Company's website,
Adoption of the income statement and balance sheet, allocation of the Company's results and discharge from liability
The AGM adopted the Company's income statement and balance sheet as well as the consolidated income statement and the consolidated balance sheet for the financial year 2021-07-01 - 2022-06-30.
The AGM resolved that the result for the financial year 2021-07-01 - 2022-06-30 shall be carried forward and balanced.
The AGM also resolved to discharge the board members and the managing director from liability for the financial year 2021/2022.
Remuneration to the board of directors and auditor
The AGM resolved, in accordance with major shareholders' proposal, that remuneration to the board of directors shall remain unchanged with a total of SEK 350,000 to be distributed as follows: the chairman of the board of directors is entitled to remuneration of SEK 110,000 and other members of the board of directors are entitled to remuneration of SEK 60,000 per board member.
The AGM resolved that remuneration to the auditor shall be paid in accordance with approved invoice.
Election of board members and auditor
The AGM resolved, in accordance with major shareholders' proposal, that the board of directors shall consist of five (5) ordinary board members without deputies.
The AGM further resolved, in accordance with major shareholders' proposal, to re-elect the current board members Göran Lundgren, Lars Aikala, Elisabet Wahlman, Sverker Littorin and Olof Heyman for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting. Göran Lundgren was re-elected as chairman of the board of directors.
The AGM resolved to re-elect Roy Ytre-Eide as auditor for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting.
Resolution on amendment of the articles of association
The AGM resolved, in accordance with the board of directors' proposal, to amend the articles of association regarding the minimum and maximum limits for the share capital and number of shares.
Resolution on incentive program and directed issue of warrants of series 2022/2025
The AGM resolved, in accordance with the board of directors' proposal, on a directed issue of a maximum of 10,000,000 warrants of series 2022/2025 with right the to subscribe for new shares in the Company. The right to subscribe for warrants shall, with deviation from the shareholders preferential rights, be granted to executives, key employees and other employees in the Company.
Notice for subscription of shares shall be made during a period commencing on 31 October 2022 up to and including 14 November 2022. The warrants shall be issued at a price corresponding to a calculated market value for the warrants (warrant premium) using the Black & Scholes-model, calculated by an independent valuation institute.
Subscription for shares through exercise of the warrants shall be made from the period commencing on 15 November 2025 up to and including 15 January 2026. Each warrant entitles the holder to subscribe for one (1) share in the Company at an exercise price corresponding to 150 per cent of the listed volume-weighted average price for each trading day according to NGM Nordic SMEs official price list for shares in the Company during the period commencing on 17 October 2022 up to and including 28 October 2022.
Authorization for the board of directors to resolve on new share issue and issue of warrants and/or convertibles
The AGM resolved, in accordance with the board of directors' proposal, on authorization for the board of directors to, during the period until the next annual general meeting, on one or more occasions and with or without deviation from the shareholders preferential rights, resolve on new issue of shares and issue of warrants and/or convertibles. The Company's share capital may, by virtue of this authorization, be increased in total by an amount that is within the limits of the Company's maximum share capital according to the articles of association in force from time to time. Payment may be made in cash, in kind, by set-off or otherwise subject to conditions.
Stockholm 30 September 2022
For more information, contact:
Göran Lundgren, chairman of the board
Ph: +46 70 467 40 40
The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted
2022-09-30 PR Meltron - report from An.pdf
About Meltron - "More than Just Light"
Meltron AB designs, manufactures and sells LED lighting solutions which are based on interdisciplinary application of electronics, optics, thermodynamics and nano structures. "More Than Just Light" translates into energy savings, superior light quality, product life-time savings, increased productivity, safety and wellbeing. Meltron provides high quality solutions for the most demanding environments in infrastructure, industry and logistics.
Meltron's shares are traded on NGM Nordic MTF under the ticker MLTR.
Meltron AB (publ)
Malmgårdsvägen 63, 116 38 Stockholm. 556988-9834. Website:
This information is information that Meltron AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to regulatory requirements for trade on NGM Nordic SME. The information was submitted for publication in Swedish, by the contact person set out above, on 30 September 2022, at 11.30 CEST.
This English version is published as a service; in case of discrepancies the Swedish version shall prevail.