Nordic Aqua Partners A/S: Nordic Aqua Partners AS: Notice of extraordinary general meeting
An extraordinary general meeting of Nordic Aqua Partners AS (the "Company") will be held on 18 October 2024 at 10:00 hours (CEST) as a physical meeting at NOAP's premises at C.J. Hambros plass 2c, 0164 Oslo, Norway.
The notice of the ordinary general meeting is attached to this release. The notice will be sent to all shareholders with a known address.
The notice and all other documents related to the items to be considered at the ordinary general meeting will be available on NOAP's website To vote in advance, register your attendance or grant a proxy to vote for your shares, please follow the instructions set out in attached notice.
For further information please contact:
CEO Ragnar Joensen 599 112
CFO Tom Johan Austrheim 982 09 873