myFC: Proposal before the Annual General Meeting on 2 June 2022
Ahead of the Annual General Meeting of myFC Holding AB on 2 June 2022, the Nomination Committee and the Board announce proposals as described below.
Item 1 - Election of chairman
The Nomination Committee proposes that the Chairman of the Board, Ulf Henning, be elected Chairman at the Annual General Meeting.
Item 3 - Election of one or two persons to attest the minutes
The Board of Directors proposes that Olle Henning be elected as an adjuster at the Annual General Meeting.
Item 8 and item 10 - Determination of the number of board members and election of board members.
The Nomination Committee proposes that the Board shall consist of three ordinary members without deputies. The Nomination Committee proposes re-election of Ulf Henning, Johnny Bräster and Klaus Wiemers for the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. The Nomination Committee further proposes the re-election of Ulf Henning as Chairman of the Board.