Analyst Group: Equity Research Report on Movinn - Focus on Profitability
In Q4-23, Movinn A/S (“Movinn” or the “Company”) continued to be affected by high vacancy rates, which led to slightly lower profitability than estimated. Going into 2024, we expect the Company to focus on lowering the vacancy rate on the existing unit portfolio, thus improving profitability. Hence, we have lowered our expectations regarding growth in 2024, with estimated accelerated growth in 2025 and 2026 through, among other things, entering Germany and new markets in Sweden. With an estimated EBITDA of DKK 7.8m in 2024, an applied target multiple of EV/EBITDA 15x, and a discount rate of 10.1%, a net present potential value per share of DKK 5.6 (6.5) is derived in a Base scenario.
Read the equity research report here
About Analyst Group: One of Sweden's leading analysis houses with a focus on small and medium-sized listed companies.
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This is a press release from Analyst Group regarding the publication of an equity research report on Movinn. Readers may assume that Analyst Group has received compensation for making the equity research report. The Company has not been given an opportunity to influence the parts where Analyst Group has had opinions about the Company, future valuation, or anything else that could be considered a subjective assessment.