Össur (Embla Medical) – Deep dive: Innovative solutions (Recording)
As part of our series Deep Dives, created to give investors a better understanding of the investment case, we together with CEO from Össur (Embla Medical) CEO Sveinn Sölvasson looked at how innovations are a part of their growth strategy, and also looked a little into what the future could bring of product innovations.
Watch the recording here:
Embla Medical is a leading global provider of innovative mobility solutions in the medical technology space. Össur improves people’s mobility through the delivery of Prosthetics, Bracing & Supports, and Patient Care. Headquartered in Iceland, the company employs over 4,000 people located across 36 countries worldwide. Embla Medical has extensive operations in the Americas, Europe, and Asia, as well as distributors in other markets.
Dislcaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment from Össur for a Corporate Visibility/Digital IR subscription agreement. /Michael Friis, 14.545, 20 March 2024.
Embla Medical
Embla Medical är ett isländskt bolag verksamma inom hälsa och sjukvård. Idag innehas affärsinriktning mot utvecklandet av benproteser, artros samt relaterad skadehantering. Produkterna är anpassade för olika åldrar och förutsättningar beroende på patientens svårighetsgrad. Verksamheten är etablerad globalt med störst marknad inom Europa följt av Nordamerika. Embla Medical grundades under 1971 och har sitt huvudkontor i Reykjavik.
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