OptiCept enters agreement in Thailand
OptiCept has announced that it has signed an agreement for its PEF technology with a global producer of pineapple products in Thailand. We view the growing recognition of OptiCept's PEF technology in Thailand as positive as the country is among the world’s top five pineapple producers. While this development is encouraging and supports our current estimates, it does not trigger immediate changes.
The Thai juice producer specializes in high-quality pineapple products such as juice, canned fruit, and dried products, and the products are exported to markets worldwide, making them a strong partner for OptiCept in the region. The customer will pay ~0.29 MSEK to evaluate the system.
OptiCept’s momentum in Thailand continues to build
In the Thai market, OptiCept is conducting ongoing tests with Dole, initially centered on improving pineapple juice extraction. This collaboration has evolved to include a pilot project in Thailand, which we believe has been important in securing the latest agreement. If evaluations prove successful, we see good potential for other juice producers to adopt OptiCept's technology, much like what has been achieved with OliveCept. However, as the initial fee is modest and our estimates already account for additional sales of OptiCept's PEF system, we are not revising our estimates or recommendation at this time.
OptiCept Technologies
OptiCept Technologies förser livsmedels-och växtindustrin med teknologiska lösningar som används för att öka hållbarheten för diverse råvaror. Bolaget arbetar med biologiska processer som ger en ökad extraktion ur råvaran, minskat avfall samt bibehållen smak, doft, färg, näringsinnehåll. Bolaget har en patenterad teknologi inom PEF (pulsed electric field) och VI (Vacuum Infusion). Bolaget säljer sina produkter på en global nivå och har sitt huvudkontor i Lund.
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