Stora Enso Oyj: Notification of Change in Holdings according to Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act (28 May 2024)
Stora Enso Oyj received a notificationpursuant to chapter 9, section 5 of the Securities Market Act fromBlackRock, Inc on 29 May 2024.
On 28 May 2024, BlackRock's total holding, including holding through financial instruments, in Stora Enso's shares increased above the 5 percent threshold.
| |% of shares |% of shares and voting rights|Total of both |
| |and voting |through financial instruments|in % (7.A + |
| |rights |(total of 7.B) |7.B) |
| |(total of 7.A)| | |
|Resulting |4.79% shares |0.27% shares |5.07% shares |
|situation on the| | | |
|date on |Below 5% |Below 5% voting rights |Below 5% voting|
|which threshold |voting rights | |rights |
|was crossed or | | | |
|reached | | | |
|Position of |Below 5% |Below 5% shares |Below 5% shares|
|previous |shares | | |
|notification | |Below 5% voting rights |Below 5% voting|
|(if applicable) |Below 5% | |rights |
| |voting rights | | |
+----------------+--------------+-----------------------------+---------------+A: Shares and
Class/type of Number of % of
shares shares and shares
voting and voting
ISIN code (if rights rights
Direct Indirect Direct Indirect(SMA 9:5) (SMA 9:6 (SMA 9:5) (SMA 9:6
and 9:7) and 9:7)
FI0009005961 37,818,820 4.79%
shares sharesBelow 5% Below
voting 5%
rights voting
SUBTOTAL A 37,818,820 4.79%
shares sharesBelow 5% Below 5%
voting voting
rights rightsB: Financial
to SMA 9:6a
Type of Expiration Exercise/ Physical Number of % of
financial date Conversion or shares shares
instrument Period cash and and
settlement voting voting
rights rights
American N/A N/A Physical 505,250 0.06%
Depositary shares shares
(US86210M1062) Below 5% Below 5%
voting voting
rights rights
Securities N/A N/A Physical 1,355,770 0.17%
Lent shares sharesBelow 5% Below 5%
voting voting
rights rights
CFD N/A N/A Cash 343,440 0.04%
shares sharesBelow 5% Below 5%
voting voting
rights rights
SUBTOTAL B 2,204,460 0.27%
shares sharesBelow 5% Below 5%
voting voting
rights rightsStora Enso has two series of shares. Each A share and every ten R shares carry one vote. Stora Enso has 175,938,609 A shares and 612,681,378 R shares in issue. The Company does not hold its own shares. The total number of Stora Enso shares is 788,619,987 and the total number votes at least 237,206,746.
Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and financial instruments are effectively held starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entity is presented in the enclosed annex.Part of the global bioeconomy, Stora Enso is a leading provider of renewable products in packaging, biomaterials and wooden construction, and one of the largest private forest owners in the world. We create value with our low-carbon and recyclable fiber-based products, through which we support our customers in meeting the demand for renewable sustainable products. Stora Enso has approximately 20,000 employees and our sales in 2023 were EUR 9.4 billion. Stora Enso shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Oy (STEAV, STERV) and Nasdaq Stockholm AB (STE A, STE R). In addition, the shares are traded in OTC Markets (OTCQX) in the USA as ADRs and ordinary shares (SEOAY, SEOFF, SEOJF).