Transactions made under the buy-back programme for Orkla ASA
Date on which the buy back-programme was announced: 20 November 2024
The duration of the buy-back programme: 1 April 2025
Overview of transactions:
|Date |Aggregated daily |Weighted average |Total daily |
| |volume (number of|share price per day|transaction value|
| |shares) |(NOK) |(NOK) |
|05/12/2024 |60,000 |102.27 |6,136,314 |
|06/12/2024 |60,000 |101.71 |6,102,606 |
|09/12/2024 |60,000 |100.63 |6,037,854 |
|10/12/2024 |60,000 |99.83 |5,989,926 |
|11/12/2024 |60,000 |100.36 |6,021,864 |
|Previously |660,000 |100.60 |66,394,272 |
|disclosed | | | |
|buybacks | | | |
|under the | | | |
|programme | | | |
|(accumulated)| | | |
|Accumulated |960,000 |100.71 |96,682,836 |
|under the | | | |
|buyback | | | |
|programme | | | |
The issuer's holding of own shares:
Following the completion of the above transactions, Orkla ASA owns a total of
2,012,984 of own shares, corresponding to 0.20% of Orkla ASA's share capital.
Appendix: An overview of all transactions made under the buy-back programme that
have been carried out during the above-mentioned time period is attached to this
report and available at
Senior Vice President Group Treasury
Geir Solli
Mob.: +47 995 42 789
This is information that Orkla ASA is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU
Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to
Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.