Odfjell SE: Mandatory notification of trade
Pursuant to Odfjell's Employee Share Purchasing Program ("ESPP"), approved by the Annual General Meeting on May 7, 2024, the first subscription period was completed on September 6, 2024. The ESPP offers Odfjell's employees in Norway to purchase a limited number of shares twice a year at a price adjustment in relation to the stock exchange price. The shares will have a two-year lock-in period, and the price adjustment will reflect the value of the lock-in period.
The purchase price paid is NOK 121.04 for class A shares and NOK 118.26 for class B shares.
The price corresponds to the volume-weighted average price on the Oslo Stock Exchange in the ten trading days during the subscription period from August 26, 2024 to September 6, 2024.
To facilitate shares acquired as part of the ESPP, Odfjell has today sold 14,355 Class A-shares (treasury shares) and 2,366 Class B-shares (treasury shares) to the eligible participants.
The below listed primary insiders have acquired shares in connection with the ESPP, and have after this, the following number of shares in Odfjell:
|Name and title | Shares |Total number of shares held in the company|
| |acquired | |
|Harald Fotland, |495 Class|85,715 Class A shares |
|CEO |A shares | |
| | |4,000 Class B shares |
|Terje Iversen, |507 Class|63,634 Class A shares |
|CFO |B shares | |
| | |507 Class B Shares |
|Bjørn Hammer, CCO|495 Class| 30,871 Class A shares |
| |A shares | |
|Torger Trige, CTO|495 Class|16,335 Class A shares |
| |A shares | |
| | |190 Class B shares |
|Øistein Jensen, |495 Class| 57,954 Class A shares |
|CSO |A shares | |
|Adrian Lenning, |495 Class| 15,422 Class A shares |
|MD Terminals |A shares | |
|Nils Jørgen |495 Class| 495 Class A Shares |
|Selvik, VP |A shares | |
|Finance & IR | | |