The Board of Directors of Bouvet ASA has decided to go through with the
Company's share purchase program for employees.
A total of 1,827 employees have subscribed a total of 372,206 shares in the
ordinary share purchase program. The shares are subscribed at a price of NOK
58.2524 per share, which corresponds to a 20 per cent discount compared to the
average market price during the subscription period.
A total of 183 employees have subscribed a total of 55,105 shares in the share
purchase program for employees in management positions. The shares are
subscribed without discount at a price of NOK 72,6303 per share.
Bouvet ASA have granted 243,308 bonus shares to the participants in the share
incentive program for 2021. The bonus shares are free of charge.
In connection with this, the Board has decided to sell 670,691 of the Company's
own shares. The Company's holding of own shares after this transaction will be
The sale is expected to be completed by December 4th, 2024.
For further information, please contact:
- Steffen Garder, CFO, T: +47 930 99 940, E: